Global Warming?

Every argument has a counter argument. Some positions are correct, some are incorrect, and some are just muddled by emotion. Is our species moving forwards to adapting and thriving or marching forward to extinction? Global warming will not ruin the earth, it only impacts what is living upon it.

My background is in the sciences, which is based on facts. Politics have to do with agendas which can be based on the manipulation of facts to suit one’s purpose or agenda. Whatever the reasons, good or bad, there are consequences.

One of the things that always gives me pause is the hysteria surrounding one’s position on global warming. Human society has supposedly been on the verge of disappearing since recorded history. The earth was flat and if one went too far one would fall off, eclipses forewarned of doom, human sacrifices would appease the gods so the rest of the population would thrive.

With regards to global warming, human society, in relative terms, is probably less than a split second to the age of the earth and maybe a little more since living organisms have populated our planet. Could you make a judgement of a person’s behaviour in less than a second? Our personal observations and data are just too small of a sample size to make a definitive judgement thus we must look to science and historical evidence for answers.

The video linked to this blog makes the case that we might have a CO2 deficit and that all the industry since the late 1800’s may have save ours and other species. It is an interesting piece.

Full Disclosure: In University my studies were skewed towards environmental sciences and psychology. I was involved in one of the first re-cycling program in Toronto. I make my living servicing the oil patch but I am still involved in recycling through my business.

– Frank, Owner, CEO Direct Workwear Ltd.

Job Board & Job Security Tips

It is hard to think about safety when job security is top of mind. Many formally secure jobs are now on hold. One young lad was told to show up on site but he would have to find his own transportation. He was just starting out and went and bought a truck. The job disappeared but the payments didn’t. There are many stories like this but the most important thing on or off the job site is attitude. When working focus on the job. If suddenly unemployed focus on strategies to get re-employed. Negative thoughts or emotions will not solve any problems nor playing the blame. We have no control over the price of oil but we do have control how we handle our own circumstances. Maybe it means taking a lower paying job and a leaner life style for the moment but the price will rise and the jobs will be back.

But that is just my opinion.

Now for some blatant promotion:

We know times are tough and many will need to supply their own workwear. Another expense when times are tough, ouch. Direct Workwear Ltd. has reduced their already low prices to reflect the times with many great sales. Check out our sales link.

On our Job Board we are accepting resumes at no charge and are offering free ad placements to companies, no hidden fees or upgrades. Employers are not only looking for skills but great attitude. Good Luck

-Frank, Owner, CEO Direct Workwear Ltd.

Pump prices up. Oil down. Does anyone really know?

There was a recent news item insinuating the price of oil could drop to around eight dollars per barrel. As I write this the price of oil is hovering around $45.00. I will predict somewhere between eight dollars and a hundred and fifty dollars. I am sure the reflex reaction is anybody can predict that. The eight dollar was based on the premise that the Saudi’s can refine oil for less than eight dollars a barrel and have over 850 billion dollars in reserve. On the other hand it could rebound to higher than the price of $147.00 set in 2008 as some pundits speculate based on lack of investment due to the slump.

To the writer the other wild card is global tensions in the Middle East inclusive of uncertainty due to the collapse of the government in Yemen and Iran’s future intentions. One must also not forget the US is in an election mode, which could cause a change in current policies. Taking in consideration any of these influences it is fair to suggest predicting the price of oil long term is complex and many factors could cancel or override any other dynamic. In Canada, particularly the West is passenger as this global dance moves forward.

Those of us that can remember the oil embargo of 1973, oil was priced at $4.75 a barrel. By 1980 the price rose to $37.42 and five year mortgage rates in Canada by September 1981 was over 20%. I am not offering a correlation between these two facts but all things considered the overall situation is not as bad as it has been in previous years.

The facts are that the decline in the price of oil is as predictable as it will rise. What is unusual about this current decline is that it seemed to be sudden and deep.  Most indicators seem to be that by the fall the oil should be back to about $75.00. My personal philosophy is to always prepare for the worst and prudently enjoy the good times.

But that is just my opinion.

-Frank, Owner, CEO Direct Workwear Ltd.