Is Your Job Doubling Your Risk of Heart Disease?
There’s been a lot of focus lately on how being in a sedentary job is bad for you.
Sitting all day can cause issues in circulation, muscles, joints, weight gain and more.
The obvious alternative is to stand all day, as many people in the trades have been doing every day for years.
But, how much better is this for you really?
The stereotype of people in skilled trade’s jobs being chronically injured often stems from lifting heavy weight and other laborious tasks involved in their job, but being on your feet all day might be just as hard on your body.
It was recently found that standing all day can double your risk of heart disease due to blood pooling in the legs which increases pressure in the veins.
Standing has also been linked to musculoskeletal disorders in the lower limbs, varicose veins and more.
So how do you reduce your risk of illness and injury when you work a job in the trades?
Experts suggest you actually take a seat when you’re on a break. Eat at a table, or sit in your vehicle if you have to. Give your legs a break and do some stretching if you have to.
Work place health and safety extends far beyond what you wear. Your body is a piece of equipment, and should be maintained and taken care of just like any other piece of machinery that you use on the job.
Click on the links below to learn more about excessive standing vs. sitting.